Tag Archives: universe

Terra Ex

Two friends, Sarah & Brenton, have launched a Kickstarter campaign for Terra Ex, an amazing video game concept from the people behind World of Warcraft, Command and Conquer, and Lost Planet 3.  Best of all, NASA scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory are directly involved in creating a realistic, futuristic space adventure for anyone with a love for science.

Here is a link to their Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/225622402/terra-ex

Terra Ex is a 4x (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate), True-Time space game that combines science fiction and real research data to create a universe of treacherous planets, dangerous alien life forms and endless exploration.  Below are some amazing photos of the potential video game.Terra Ex 0Terra Ex 1Terra Ex 2Terra Ex 3Terra Ex 4Terra Ex 5Terra Ex 6Terra Ex 7Terra Ex 8

Take a moment to support a unique approach to the world of gaming.  Support NASA by making their video game a tangible reality.   Go to Kickstarter and pledge to fund Terra Ex into a beautiful existence.
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